We Need Your Help -- Report Your Information To Us.The Ohio / Pennsylvania Bigfoot Research Group is a volunteer effort by properly equipped researchers. While we specialize in field research, we are still dependant on receiving witness reports and related information to help us locate areas for further study. Please feel free to report any information you may have, including: sightings, footprint finds, sounds heard, and experiences of your own or people you know. All names and locations will be held strictly confidential. You may request a signed statement of confidentiality from us. Attention Wildlife and Law enforcement agencies: We will volunteer our services to assist you to investigate Bigfoot related reports and provide a written report of our conclusions. Please understand that we are volunteers and may not be able to respond to all requests. To report information to us you may contact us by email, or the preferred method is to fill out the form at the below link. The link will call up a report form in a new window from the Bigfoot Research Network, which we are members of. All information is secured in the Network by a rigid member security tier. To learn more about the Bigfoot Research Network, visit the Network's main page at http://www.bigfoot.com/~BigfootNetwork.
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