Home Up 1978-Early '80's Mid 1980's 1990's The 2000's Waynesboro Magazines #1

This section contains a partial collection of various articles that have been in the media over the years. Most of them have been from the OH/PA area. Listing the articles here doesn't mean that we agree, acknowledge, or approve of what is contained in the articles. The articles are presented here as an educational service. While reading the articles, you will notice a change in media coverage in the mid 1980's from reporting about sightings to more about and promotion of the researchers. It should be noted that our group worked independent from the other researchers you will read about, were never evolved in their escapades, and cannot personally vouch for their work or claims of evidence and reports.

If you have any news clippings you would like to share and would like to see added to this site, please forward clean copies of the articles along with the publication name and date of the article to PO Box 376, Newton Falls, OH 44444. If you have electronic copies, you may email them to us in Word, Rich Text, Text, or Word Perfect format to our Email address. We would prefer articles concerning the Oh/Pa region. We will give you full credit for supplying the article if you wish.


1978-Early 1980's - The Minerva, Union County, and Vinton County Ohio articles.

Mid 1980's - The Tuscarawas, Guernsey, and Coshocton Counties in Ohio, and Westmoreland County in PA articles.

1990's - The years of predominate promotion of researchers.

The new Millennium - What will the future bring?

Special: The Waynesboro, PA hoax tracks of Feb. 2002.



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